The reviews are in

By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I went to a movie and a dinner with a girl. During dinner, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, so I checked my social media feeds while waiting for her to return. She'd posted on her Twitter "Worst. Ever." I thought it was going well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either young ladies' standards are getting too high, or they themselves are becoming too shallow.


bertoelmexicano 6
xearthmuffin 0

I'll bet she was talking about stomach problems or something.

Maybe she was taking a s*** :p so she said "Worst Ever"

gamerdude66 8

maybe she took a giant crap, or the food sucked, or something like that.

queenb1621 21

Maybe you should stop being on fb while on a date....

when she came back you should've said something like "I have to be completely honest with you ... you are the worst date ever. I gotta go. Goodbye." I hate people who judge before they actually get to know someone...

I'd of let her ass while she was in the restroom...

I hope you left that lying **** right there.

Don't Worry you can spread rumors that you smelled fish during your whole dinner, which made you wanna gag, hence the bad date.!! You can do better don't give up because of stupid hoes like this twat

PghSportsNation 0

I'd post my own message: Bess tweet a cab home bitch!