Thin blue line

By Anonymous - 30/01/2016 05:07 - United States - San Diego

Today, I called the cops on my elderly neighbor for blaring loud war music yet again. They chatted and laughed with him on his lawn for a good half hour. As they left, he slapped the female officer's ass, only for her to just giggle about it. After they drove off, he fired up his music again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 195
You deserved it 2 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old dude sounds like he still got game! sorry you have to deal with him


so this is the police force, letting old men slap officers ass's.

That's disgusting, the old twat would have a broken hand if he slapped my butt. Complain to the police department!

ned diggers 14

You probably wish a veteran slapped your arse.

slapping a cops ass? and getting away with it? the dude has guts...

This sounds like something out of a movie

sh4ll0truth88 8

All I can picture is OP's neighbour playing Rise of the Valkyries on a continuous loop

Calling and complaining to the cops about something like this really isn't going to accomplish much. Doing it repeatedly and going to higher ups is more likely to just have you labeled a crybaby or something similar. The cops came out, told him to turn it down and left again, same thing is more than likely going to happen next time. Sure it sucks but if it's something minor, it's like dealing with a sibling, your parents, the cops, get tired of hearing it too. Talk to the guy or just deal with it is how it's going to end up getting fixed.

Sathane 21

That man is a ******* legend. Take notes and beg him to teach you his ways.

Get a better sound system than his, blast it, then it's music war