Thin blue line

By Anonymous - 30/01/2016 05:07 - United States - San Diego

Today, I called the cops on my elderly neighbor for blaring loud war music yet again. They chatted and laughed with him on his lawn for a good half hour. As they left, he slapped the female officer's ass, only for her to just giggle about it. After they drove off, he fired up his music again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 195
You deserved it 2 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old dude sounds like he still got game! sorry you have to deal with him


IssacB 14

Can't get mad at the elderly. Let him have his fun while he can

Yes, you can certainly get mad at the elderly. They have to obey laws and rules just like everyone else.

I'm on mobile, so I can't see where this was posted from But I picture this FML's scene happening in Soviet Russia (kidding)

War music? I assume you mean patriotic music? Old guy has skills, don't be envious.

Old man : 1 OP : 0 If I were there i'd take notes from the old man.

aeryn97 17

depending on your neighborhood ordinances and the time, it might not be illegal. why don't you go over and have a chat with him?

its probably a vet. we get away with everything.

I detect 3 slaps. Wrists, butt, and face.

We should all aspire to be like him when we're old.