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This is mine now

By tessamarque - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Bartlesville

Today, I watched my cat walk to her litter box, look at it, then walk across the room to pee on a backpack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 965
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That stinks. It's quite a cat-astrophe indeed.

Cat pee is one of the worst smells that is extremely difficult to remove - even with Febreze. It's like a skunk's musk. FYL, OP.

RedPillSucks 31

Sulfur (lit matches) will get the smell out

DeboDaGreat 3

******* are out of control nowadays..

Cat pee is gross, but I think cats are AWESOME. Thumb me down all you want.

It's the Ammonia in it that makes it smell so bad

tiptoppc 19

Nobody likes a smelly pussy

How is the letter "u" supposed to clean a litterbox? Sorry, worst joke ever, I know! I just couldn't help myself!

49- For your joke to be grammatically correct, the comment would have to be 'has u cleaned it lately'

There are various reasons cats will pee outside their box. Bladder problems, if it isn't clean, or if they're in heat. If the box was clean I would suggest taking it to the vet to get it checked just on case. I had a cat that peed everywhere before we managed to get her fixed, so it might not be anything bad.

muffinXmonster 12

The litter box, the kitty or the backpack? -stalker:)

Would it be smart if I pissed on all of your stuff?

andrewl12 0

How is it smart for a cat to pee on a backpack? You obviously don't own a cat.... Cus last time I checked, backpacks shouldn't smell like urine.

Priscilla43 2

42, stfu obiousy it was a joke!! have to take everything to the ass!!

100- a joke that is absolute shit. Start your last sentence with "I", and then it makes more sense.

baybeegirrrl95 5
cradle6 13
andrewl12 0

And that's when you pick that cat up, rub his face literally into his pee, all while yelling at how much of a bad cat he is. Because that shit would not ******* fly in my house.

Birdie_Sage 0

Cute! Either train your cat or clean it. Cats always like their litter box clean.

But...but...but you're a bird. How would you find a CAT doing something like that...cute? In the words of a famous lawyer: Now that does not make sense

Maybe hes tired of "doing the mainstream thing". Hes a cat-hipster.

CalCommando 6

mainSTREAM, as in a stream of piss. Derp.

that sucks. cat pee stains are really hard to get out

and they smell worse than sulfur mixed with rotten eggs

littletinyME 5
bertman21 5
KiddNYC1O 20

Animal cruelty is NOT tolerated.

bertman21 5

It's not cruelty it's death.

125- ever thought that 27 was joking?

Ever think that even joking about it isnt funny?

125 Ever think he's talking about the guy who made the horrible pun?