Thorough check
By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 23:34 - United States - Akron

By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 23:34 - United States - Akron
By unlucky_number13 - 14/07/2009 09:41 - United States
By smellybelly - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By unattractive - 18/12/2010 09:32 - Canada
By Anonymous - 17/07/2019 22:00
By HaleyIsabelle - 08/03/2010 20:54 - France
By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 00:30 - United States
By C0r1nn3 - 07/06/2012 04:02 - United States - Santa Clara
By Crashburn - 16/01/2012 11:09 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 19/06/2012 03:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch
Clean your belly button then
You should have cleaned up a bit first, probably dont shave down there either do you
Jocks don't belong on Fml. Smart people do.
Yes, you make a valid point. From now on every time I get intimate with someone I will stop, and be like hold on gots to check my belly button. You never now when shirts can leave lint behind.
@13; why is everything you say either ignorant, obnoxious, dumb, or the combination of the three?
#40 It's funny, he may be 13, but ironically you're the one who needs some growing up there.
What's this strange feeling in my soul?.. Could it be.. My faith in humanity.. Returning?? Thank you commenters, and thank you comment thread..
@64; so you think someone not cleaning and grooming themselves properly is a good thing is it? I feel sorry for your partner. @67; Ironically you are claiming that I'm immature when you are childish enough to resort to personal insults to defend your bush. I wouldnt be getting intimate with anyone at parties if I were you two, gossip about hairy girls spreads like fire up a hill.
#73 You're projecting here, pal. Where exactly did we talk about our "bush", as you call it? You're the one attacking people when they call you out on your immaturity and rudeness. Where have I personally insulted you? I just pointed out your hypocrisy. You don't know anything about our grooming habits, so it would be smart not to assume anything. But well, it looks like we're asking too much of you.
@77 Oops, I think I struck a nerve.. ;) Your argument is emotionally charged and devoid of any logic. Saying something is 'natural' is not justification for its existence. Nightshade is 'natural'. Brushing your teeth, using shampoo, driving a car, getting braces, eating consumer products, using the computer you're staring at right now, NONE of these things are 'natural', yet you still do them, and no other animal on this earth does. Humans are not 'natural', if anything we are the opposite, we live off technology and innovation. So next time you try and justify being hairy by saying its 'natural', make sure you're living in a cave, bathing in lakes, and hunting wild beasts and collecting berries for food, because until you do that, your 'nature' argument is complete crap. This FML is about OP's boyfriend going down on her. Shaving all the time is not practical, and of course noone expects girls to do that. But doing it in preparation for when he has his mouth all over that area, is common courtesy. If a guy refused to eat you out because you had a bush down there, would you say "How dare you not want to get pubes that sit next to my anus all day in your mouth!"? Basically, noones saying you should keep your minge in a perpetual state of itchy baldness, but simply if you want us guys to get down and do the dirty on you, that you merely clear the jungle temporarily, just like a man would shave his face before he goes out with a girl somewhere. You dont hear us complaining about that, do you.
86, I'm pretty sure no woman on FML would want to jump in bed with you, especially after your terrible, mean, sex-driven, "look how smart I think I am" comments. You should probably stick to the real world.
I agree with 87; I can't imagine any woman that would want you in the same city, let alone anywhere near her snatch.
83- My god, why did I subject my brain to reading that idiocy? Jk kidding it was tldr, but I read enough. You have no idea what you're talking about obviously, to not know why things are and aren't natural. If that kid is 13, you must be 8. Get off the internet little boy, before you embarrass yourself more.
88, hey you're an idiot! We have pubic hair because it keeps out all the bacteria and possible infections. Girls that shave makes it easier for them to get yeast infections or whatever other infections we can get. That's why people suggest we trim it. You think it's hygienic to shave it? Boy you have it all wrong. Like I said, pubes serve a purpose. Like the hair in our nose keeps out dirt, creative boogers. But what would you know? You don't seem very smart to me haha.
#13, that was an awfully presumptuous comment. If you we are going that far, what can we say for you? Coughtinydickcough.
Personally, I like a well kept bush, and I'd like to see it come back in style.
Haha 83.. you keep preaching the stupid crap you do. You think you speak for all guys when you run your mouth, but you don't. Yeah, I'm 16, ha but seriously it's not that difficult to weed out the cocky, conceded, overly confident stupid people. You're arguing about the personal hygiene choices of women, grow up.
I like how nobody on FML uses the words penis/******/pubic area. It's always the down area or down below or something like that..
Maybe he's pretending to be a cat giving you a tongue bath?
Maybe that turns him on... Some people are into that sort of thing.
I could make a sweater from my husbands. More common then I ever knew, kind of gross, but not nearly the most unhygienic thing that you could do/have.
I would have to disagree. I'd like to invite you to Google "belly button bacteria study" and tell me that's not one of the most unhygienic things someone can do. Clean your belly buttons, people. I'm shocked that I'm apparently one of the few who do this anyway.
Nope, I do it too. I find that I clean areas that some people just let "the water run over it" to get clean. And at least you can't see the belly button the majority of the time. But how about rotten mouths with extreme cases of halitosis or bum areas with "debris" and other leftover undesirable things? Those are pretty up there in the gross-o-meter.
How do all these nasty women get men? Have some class and take care of yourself.
It's just a little bit of belly button lint. Sometimes it happens when you wear clothing, it does not mean they are "nasty".
Can't get mad at a man for trying to take care of his lady
Dang girl if you have a chance of getting intimate, I'd suggest you groom yourself haha