Tight knit family

By Anonymous - 24/05/2010 17:12 - Canada

Today, I went to visit my parents after 4 years of not seeing them. They'd moved without telling me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 796
You deserved it 19 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20

maybe there's a reason? why were you not in contact with them for so long? coo coo cachoo


1pinkbutterfly 0

OK cookie monster looks 15 and is acting like she's 5. JUST STFU!!! Grow up and get a life. Online bully = PUSSY!!

TexasFTW 0

@Cookie_monster2: I'm going to be nice and please ask you to get the heck off of this thread. Not only are you being rude, but quite unnecessary in every single one of your comments. For the sake of yourself, GTFO. Thanks.

mhmmm1234 0

#86 is a win. cookie monster is not. rawrcupcakes is amazing. mhmm.

Nah, they both fail for arguing and name calling on the first post :)

mhmmm1234 0
rawrcupcakesz 0

looks like Op has isssues.. can you adopt new parents?

ipwnallmen 10

Op.. do you have Steve Urkel's parents?

saranottelling 7

If I was Steve Urkel's parent, I would move to Russia without telling him too. You can only take so much of that voice, all the cheesy catchphrases, and that stupid little dance he does. OP, did you do any of these things?

ipwnallmen 10

lol I remeber that ep. Eddie- steves parents took the easy way out. good line :)

probably no accident you hadn't spoken in 4 years then

RedPillSucks 31

Why haven't you contacted them in 4 years? Maybe they thought you were dead. Maybe they are dead. Most probably, they didn't know how to contact you.