Time flies by

By ohdear - 27/01/2011 13:07 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary. It's also the 5th anniversary of the last time he made me orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 859
You deserved it 7 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to guide him and tell him what to do. He can't read your mind ya know. If he just doesn't care, then FYL.

THIS. You need to let him know what you need in order to get an ******. You're most likely not gonna reach ****** by vaginal stimulation alone, you need clitoral stimulation, and if it involves you teaching him how to go down on you, then just roll with it. Communication is key. Don't fake it and falsely boost his confidence, because that way, he thinks he's doing something right and will just keep doing whatever it is he's doing wrong.


yusaku02 20

if it's been 5 years then maybe it's not him, it could be you...

If your sex life has become that depressing, then go to a therapist or try to find better ways of communicating your needs to one another.

ajs1987 15

I cannot stress this enough ladies, you need to tell us what you like. You are all different people who like different things in bed. Those moves he's trying on you might've been a big hit with one of his previous girlfriends, but he won't know what you need unless you talk to him about it. We can't read your minds.

can't help you if you don't tell him there is a problem

Well, instead of bitching about how he couldn't give you an ******, how about you actually guide him?