By PatientInWaiting - 19/03/2012 10:37 - United States

Today, I had a conversation with another patient in my gyno's waiting room. It was about her getting pregnant in a truck while passed out drunk, her therapist's frequent use of a "For Dummies" books, and how she had waxed and oiled everything to impress our doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 227
You deserved it 2 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this one of those "my friend" things where this is all actually you?

I always make my teeth look nice for the sexy dentist...I guess that's almost the same thing.


This sounds like the beginning of a 15 dollar budget porno.

BunBunBabe 8

It could have been worse, she could have told you how dirty she is instead of clean.. Or ask for an opinion on her wax/oil job... Gross

cmanaus 3

This is why not everyone should be able to have a child:)

ddeathbombb 5

Stuff happens...ok not stuff like that though

Haven't been there yet, I'm only 14. I really never, ever want to go! I know that they are only doing their jobs and I'm sure they are very profetional but, yes. The thought of a total stranger looking up my privates still terrifies me!

RedPillSucks 31

I'm not sure that 14 is too young to go to the gyno. I understand your trepidation, however. It is kinda personal.

Lludes 5

Once you push out three kids it's no big deal. My first visit at 16 was very scary also. Just relax he/she is a Dr. and you can meet with them first to see if you like them.

57- Yeah.. I don't know if it's too young either, I just never needed to go there. Not yet atleast.. 85- Oh you can? That's nice. I hope mine is female... As i said, i know they are only doing their jobs, but it would be even more uncomfortable if it was a man...

the first time I went I was fourteen. its a bit scary at first, but no big deal in the end and its over quick (:

kikimonk13 0

I've always worried that it would be some pedophile pretending to be a gyno and taking pictures or doing things that he shouldn't be doing.

First time I went was when I was almost 15, just over a year ago. Didn't like my doctor very much, so I went to another one. Both of them were really nice and friendly though, no need to worry. I think you can choose who you want to go to... At least I could. Moreover, it's not like you enter the room and they are already waiting for you to take off your clothes. Those... inspections? usually have a special date and they do it once you had sex for the first time or are over 18 years old, so no worries :) (All of this is how it is here in Argentina, dunno about other countries :/ ) You'd better start getting to know your gyno, it's not a big deal really, so don't be scared! :D

I don't think u need to go until ur sexually active

It helps me laugh about it when one my friends called it the "Annual show and tell".

113- Ok great! Cause i won't be in a loooooooong time X)

MissHayleyJames 7

Actually you're supposed to start going in once you start having periods. That's what's recommended but most girls ignore it. Fin a female doctor and you'll be more comfortable. I could never go to a male doctor in a million years. After a few exams though you get used to it.

I'm 21 and refused to go until I got pregnant earlier this year because I was TERRIFIED of having some stranger look at me that closely. As it turns out, it's really not that awkward. My doctor was extremely discreet about it and just kept the conversation we were having going. It's not that big of a deal. :) And you can definitely choose your doctor! I'm not comfortable with having a male doctor, so I'm only seeing the females in the office!

At least you didn't get pregnant while passed out drunk in a truck. But seriously, I do feel for you. I had someone tell me about her sexual experiences with different guys while on x while we were in class in highschool.

hateevryone 14