By PatientInWaiting - 19/03/2012 10:37 - United States

Today, I had a conversation with another patient in my gyno's waiting room. It was about her getting pregnant in a truck while passed out drunk, her therapist's frequent use of a "For Dummies" books, and how she had waxed and oiled everything to impress our doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 227
You deserved it 2 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this one of those "my friend" things where this is all actually you?

I always make my teeth look nice for the sexy dentist...I guess that's almost the same thing.


TheFamilyElf 17

That sounds like one of those conversations that would make the one listening feel good about his/herself. F the other girl's life. You must feel awesome!

I really don't see how any of that affects you so I vote neither YDI or FYL.

Well I'd be concerned about the fact that the gyno keeps referring to a 'for dummies' book like they are inexperienced and don't really know what they are doing.. That's the bit that affects the OP.

southernbelle_rn 16

#63, I take it you meant speculum? Lol. I bet your Friday nights are pretty interesting.

MEM0817 18

I feel like this happened in Alabama or Mississippi or somewhere around there... ha

Sounds like another stupid bitch trying to skate through life based on sex appeal.

Anything looks good when it's slathered in oil. Just hope that the doc didn't have candles lit in his office.

somehow I read therapist as theRapist -.-

OI... I don't think the whole waiting room needed to know what she had waxed and oiled... And I really hope that the doctor didn't much care either! >,<