By PatientInWaiting - 19/03/2012 10:37 - United States

Today, I had a conversation with another patient in my gyno's waiting room. It was about her getting pregnant in a truck while passed out drunk, her therapist's frequent use of a "For Dummies" books, and how she had waxed and oiled everything to impress our doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 227
You deserved it 2 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this one of those "my friend" things where this is all actually you?

I always make my teeth look nice for the sexy dentist...I guess that's almost the same thing.


YDI for letting her go on and on. There are all kinds of people out there willing to let it all hang out. You should learn several methods to excuse yourself and not get caught up in their weirdness, unless you want to hear about how this dizzy bitch got knocked up while passed out and so on. It can get worse than hearing their insanity... Say you are out with friends and you run into this chick, she sees you, walks up and takes up where she left off with her Maury Povich made for reality TV life. What are your friends and family going to think? "Hey, who's your new friend?" You would be hearing about that shit for eternity .

"oiled everything" at the gynecologist? WTF? I am not a doctor, but I am a bold man and an intrepid explorer. With the proper safety equipment, I would like to see that myself.

shankle1234 0

How is this an FML!? If it was really you your talking about then I could see you posting it but this makes no sense why you put it up... At least not to me

You know 'getting pregnant while passed out drunk' means she was raped, right? Pretty heartless tbh, YDI