To each his own

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Absecon

Today, my boyfriend took me home for the first time. His place was covered in Insane Clown Posse stuff, even the toilet bowl. He's an undercover Juggalo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 423
You deserved it 4 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even the toilet bowl? Well, on the bright side, you know he can commit to some things.

I hope you don't have a fear of clowns lol


Slowly back out the door, turn around, and run like hell.

Funny the same thing happend to me but we are happily together 2 years now. I still find some of it a bit odd...

reymon8823 24

Nothing wrong with icp my ex didn't know what a hatchet man was.. I had to explain it all to her that we're not a gang but a family

"This Clown Posse really is insane!" Does anyone remember that reference from Static Shock?

Zimmington 21

Static Shock was one of the best super black heroes! I was so mad when they cancelled him...

I hope you mean that he's now your ex-boyfriend. Otherwise you might end up chopped into little bits and fed to his dog.

MzZombicidal 36

Because he's a big fan of a band?

Just because the band itself is crazy, doesn't mean OP's boyfriend (or other devoted fans) will be also. I don't think OP should break up with her boyfriend because he likes them. Unless, of course, he acts crazy or whatever.

reymon8823 24

No we aren't like that..actually listen to the music.. The best song to listen to would be "homies" by icp and i quote "me and my homies stay tight like a noose and if ya step to one of us you better step to the whole crew, I never knew that I could depend that I could have some friends down to the very end. well that's my home boy excuse me my family and when we conquer the world we'll be Mackin on the galaxy, cuz the sky's the limit and we ain't finished and if my homies gonna ride then you know I'm with it"

#80 you're not helping how people view you and your fellow.. Posse people

The band is not insane. The just say what the rest of us wish we could. Please refer to Tech N9ne's "FacePaint." ' I say what the **** I want and do what I want to do behind my (Face Paint) I can be who I want to be And I know its still me But I'm totally free with my (Facepaint)'

Not "insane" yet keeps posting long and annoying song lyrics. It's like posting justin bieber song lyrics to justify how "good" he is. Chances are anyone who dislikes ICP and subsequent fans won't be moved by their lyrics.

juggalospyder 3

Talkin bout my homies! Homies! Talkin bout my dogs up high!

If you're referring to the comment above yours, that person was quoting Tech N9ne, not ICP. Yes, he associates with him, but comparing the two is ludicrous. Tech N9ne, unlike ICP, is actually an incredibly skilled emcee. The point was that they both wear face paint, and the reason WHY they wear facepaint.

This could turn out to be interesting!!! You could potentially be his sexy sidekick or something.

If he's good to you it shouldn't matter that he has shitty taste in music... and home decor. Once you move in you can redecorate.

reymon8823 24

For the 99.9999% of the FML population that doesn't know what MMFWCL means, I just had to google it. Apparently it stands for "Much Motherfucking Wicked Clown Love". Either that or "My Memory's ******, We're Comical Losers".