By Wmsys32pr9 - 30/03/2009 05:06 - United States
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
Top comments
gotta disagree with #52 about #9 i'd say it was quick and to the point
the apple does not fall far from the ******* tree!
hahaha 7 :)
you should have punched her in the throat
bad parenting ftw, Some people should not be allowed to reproduce, there mother should have swallowed.
Kids say the darndest things. Parents say the stupidest shit.
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
45 759
You deserved it
4 465
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
The Top
I agree, your life sucks
39 330
You deserved it
4 850
I agree, your life sucks
26 298
You deserved it
4 213
I agree, your life sucks
33 560
You deserved it
27 579
I agree, your life sucks
1 350
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
20 566
You deserved it
9 682
I hate little kids. Even worse, little kids with bad parents.
you should have said "if you just woulda ****** YOURself, we wouldn't have THIS (point at the kid) problem"