By Anonymous - 27/06/2009 08:20 - Japan

By Anonymous - 27/06/2009 08:20 - Japan
By grossgross - 26/09/2009 18:21 - United States
By Thithien1 - 01/04/2009 06:07 - Korea Republic of
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 16:46 - France
By SadAndAlone - 03/12/2015 16:41 - Sweden - Nacka
By Julie - 31/03/2009 01:43 - Canada
By danesy - 10/03/2009 02:04 - United States
By annabellatrix - 14/09/2015 18:20 - Hungary
By fmylifebad - 29/04/2009 10:12 - United States
By HunniBeeHuni - 17/11/2009 05:25 - United States
By belladonna - 26/02/2009 22:21 - United States
...well think of it this way.. at least you made one person's day :D
That crossed my mind too, #52. But it could be a smaller local train rather than a shinkansen. #51: Calm the **** down.
#6 hahahahahahahaha
Lol @ 51's irony. Also, good pun with the Subway. At least you didn't have to pay $5 for the footlong, you got it for free. I just hope they didn't get any mayo on you (ok, that may be taking it too far...). Anyhow, in Japan this isn't really an FML. Getting groped/flashed in Japanese subway is just as common as getting mugged/pickpocketed in NY.
Dude, even if it's new york city I've been on completely empty trains before whether it was because it was super late/early or it was the weekend at an odd time at the very beginning of the line.
I have to disagree with you there.
it's so common for things like this to happen in japan that they have a word for it, it's chikan i believe, they also have signs for subways where only ladies can board onto the train to prevent it from happening.
oh, im sorry. i didn't notice =/
to #6, this happened in japan...sooo no way was it a foot long :P
totally agree
stop ******* generalizing you assfuck, he lives in ******* japan, not new york city
Who wouldn't be traumatized? He could of had an STD
hahahahahahaha #6 so funny :D
hah, lol.
@#170: Cause you can totally get an STD by getting a dick rubbed on your arm...
lmao Haha #6
Totally fake. I lived in Japan for 9 years and I know there is no such thing as empty train. They're not 24hours like NYC. Trains run from early morning to little after midnight so there always people. BTW, shinkansen is like riding airplane but more comfortable. You check in and get boarding pass and it has prearranged seating..etc. Only local trains (subways) are the ones that are packed.
#6 haha
iv been to japan and iv actually seen womens only carrages on the trains but when i went the trains were all packed if OP is japanese she has good english skills to be able to type this out most of them cant speak english much
i don't think you'd get STD being rubbed by a dick on your arm... being a sexually transmitted disease and all... sorry for being critical. :|
# 6: EPIC WIN!
6 is made of win.
haha this FML made my day
this is an fml because he ran away before she could flash her vajayjay.
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha best comment ever
meant nice @ 6 God. I'm sorry! Being from New York City I've seen a LOT of WEIRD shit on the subway...but (knock on wood) no one's ever actually physically touched me (or anyone else I know)! That is horrifying, FYL indeed!
Haha, nice pun.
FAIL. Everyone knows you cant say "That's what she said" when your the person who said the original phrase.
And everyone knows that it's disappointing when people STILL haven't figured out the difference between your and you're. Your an idiot for not knowing you're differences between your and you're. Lulz. It feels so wrong typing that.
Yeah you're not allowed to say "That's what she said" to your own comment.
They were making a joke. That's why they took the time to say 'lulz' and 'it feels so wrong typing that.' Who's the smarty now, jackass?
I am!
yeah you can't go say thats what she said to your own comment cause it just doesn't work that way, someone else has to say it see if i said thats what she said it would work but when you say it, it does not work.
she doesn't have a name
Wow people are pretty messed up these days! I wouldnt ride the subway for awhile.
Makes a good story though
Dude. It's JAPAN. If you don't know about the train occurrences there, then get a clue.
*shudder* Yeah, I've heard things about the Japanese subway and stuff like that.
Uh, yes? It said this fml is from Japan on their story at the top.
55, you're an idiot.
um...55 was replying to 37....
There are some real freaks on the subway apparently FYL
LOOOOL. That's kind of awesome. Should have punched his wang.
What's traumatic about a subway footlong?
oh man.... are you traumatized?