By eat my fucking ass, boss - 06/12/2013 23:37 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, a customer threatened to come back later and shoot the whole place up. Why? I didn't give him a discount on his beer. My boss's reaction when I called the police: "Why didn't you give him the discount?!" Last week he bitched me out for letting a girl off for being a few cents short on hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 447
You deserved it 3 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry for your shitty boss OP. You should definitely look for another job, or refer him to upper management. Besides it's not like you knew how the guy would react.


Seems like the boss prefers male customers over female customers.

olpally 32

Try and get his hypocritical ass fired. That's just ******* wrong.

your boss is a prick for putting you in a lose/lose situation.

I think we're missing part of the story, I work in retail and we only have one discount and that's for senior citizens and it doesn't apply to alcohol. He just wanted you to make it cheaper than it was? Or is there a legitimate discount your store runs on beer?

Rainhawk94 27

You would think the man would get the manager since op didn't give him the the manager would give it to him.

BriCx 8

Some managers have no guts when it comes to angry customers. FYL OP.

Zach2014 11

At least you did the right thing.