By Cacahuete - 28/12/2013 14:46 - France - Villejuif

Today, a DJ friend of mine offered me a part in one of his tracks. I was flattered, and accepted. All I ended up singing was, "I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch" over and over again in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 885
You deserved it 7 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

With the kinda music popular today, that sounds like it could be a #1 hit.


Sounds like the next Kanye West and Kim Kardashian song.

Sounds like you have never listen to a Kanye album in your life. despite his egotistical presence outside of music he is actually an excellent musician and is generally well received by many notable sources.

Rainhawk94 27

Don't listen to Bruno over here

16: "that shit cray"- Kanye West Sounds like a songwriting genius. Not only do we have him to thank for the annoying kids who say that line, but also for the lyrically astounding song, Gold Digger.

This reminds me of the map song from Dora the Explorer.

and now were all singing 'im a bitch' to the map tune in our head!

Haha, im surprised you agreed to it. Don't take it personally, sometimes you just gotta go with the flow :p everyone has their own type of music. I guess that's just what he djs for

Still better than anything by Miley Cyrus or One Direction.

arandomusernameaa 20

It could be... The best song ever! Sorry please don't wreck me...

I work at a girl's clothing store and all we listen to is big time rush (is that their name?), r5, one direction and some other little Disney stars no one cares about. What's worse is that the little girls that come in to the store LOVE to sing loud as they possibly can.

Doc, please don't be hatin' on my Miley. Even her tongue is talented.

it doesn't take talent to stick your tongue out. ask any 5 year old.

#80, don't let Gene Simmons hear you say that.

Korra_fml 23

thats just part of his stage act. he doesnt do that off stage, at least not nearly as often as miley. she cant figure out how to even keep her tongue in her mouth. what a waste of a lower jaw.

better than not being on a track. famous life here you come.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Cue the half-ass breakdown in the middle of the "song", and you got yourself a party hit!

And that's exactly why I don't listen to hip-hop!

Nothing says this is hip hop. Plenty of other music styles that use a DJ.

Maybe he is trying to tell you something?