By pool party - 29/05/2013 00:48 - United States - Rockford

Today, a few freshmen jumped my fence. They decided to take a dip in the pool, so I pulled out a paintball gun. I unloaded over 100 rounds, painting their backs bright yellow. It also dyed my pool yellow, and it'll apparently cost around $500 to repair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 310
You deserved it 59 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WonkeyDonkey 10

Good job! I think they deserved it and the $500 you have to pay was worth every cent ;)

They'll never mess with you again, that's worth more I reckon.


ohioain 18

I would have done the same thing. Them dumb asses. :P

You do realize that this is aggravasted assault?

Pretty sure it doesn't get bumped up to aggravated unless there's permanent damage/maiming. And I can't imagine assault charges are going to go too far when the "victims" were trespassers.

RealtreeGirl23 9

It was worth it. I wish people willingly jumped in my shooting range so I could paint them a different color. Too bad you didn't have red paintballs....


I would recommend soap based rounds

Was it fun? Was it worth it? It sounds like it, wish I was you!

ashes941 4

Thanks for the idea. I'll do this next time people break onto my trampoline-- except I'll use Airsoft guns... Maybe... ;)