By arse-face - 28/06/2013 23:22 - Ireland - Caher

Today, a group of friends and I went out to a fancy club together. The doorman checked us out and let everyone in. Everyone except me, that is. The doorman's reason: "Her face looks like a baboon's arse." My "friends" all went in anyway, leaving me to walk all the way home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 003
You deserved it 4 867

Same thing different taste


DragonText 4

"She said can you get my friends in the club? I said can you get my Benz in the club? If not treat your friends like my Benz and park them outside till the evening end" - Kanye West

CharresBarkrey 15

Why the **** would anyone ever quote Kanye West like he's a person worth quoting ever. Like what is this I don't even

TwinkleToes7 15

That's so messed up!!! You need to find some good loyal friends!

cottoncandymango 17

Some "friends" that you no longer have.

olpally 32

Everyone is a jackass in this one except op. *******. Get new friends.

That bouncer is obviously not drunk enough xD Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder xP

diceddiamonds 11

Don't worry OP, forget that bouncer & your friends, you can still have fun on your own!

sorry OP. if I was your friend I would've said forget the bouncer, let's hit the bar ^_^

Great friends you got...looks like you have to find a new club...

miasaur 11

get a bottle and get drunk on your own