By arse-face - 28/06/2013 23:22 - Ireland - Caher

Today, a group of friends and I went out to a fancy club together. The doorman checked us out and let everyone in. Everyone except me, that is. The doorman's reason: "Her face looks like a baboon's arse." My "friends" all went in anyway, leaving me to walk all the way home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 003
You deserved it 4 867

Same thing different taste


Rude people everywhere! Sorry OP. New friends are in your future.

I don't think doormen are allowed to kick someone out or not let them in for such a stupid reason. Plus, your friends are douchebags.

That's the whole way clubs work. Hot girls are let in, others aren't.

How did any of the jersey shore people get into clubs ever? :p

camera crews and money is how they made it in.

perdix 29

Maybe you ought to go to the zoo and find some new friends. With your luck, I'll bet all the male baboons are tit-baboons and not arse-baboons.

Hey look, the asshole bouncer added a comment. Go be a **** somewhere else.

#42, do you realize you just insulted Perdix? You're in for a world of hurt buddy, have fun in the ninth circle of hell!

AboveAll04 14

yeah 42, if I were you(which I'm glad I'm not because nobody is dumb enough to insult PERDIX besides you) I would find a rock and hide under it because we all know what happened to the last dumbass that did that.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

^ And this kids, is what we call "tossing the salad" aka giving a rimjob. Some of us have to pay for it. Others get it for free, especially if they're internet "famous." Put a little more tongue into it, 82.

AboveAll04 14

well, I'll try but u only taught me so much :(

So witty, 86. I can barely handle the amount of effort that went into that retort. Teach me your ways, O wise one.

I see. So this wasn't a one-off? Perdix is always a bully? You sound like a lackey. Do you get treats and a pat on the head or just the privilege of blowing him once in a while? No-one who would be so mean to someone hurting like this OP deserves any kind of deference.

No need to be bitchy, 132. The only point we're trying to make is to get to rod out of your snooty ass and realize that perdix always makes offensive comments that he intends in a joking manner. Bottom line: don't take anything he says seriously, or you're gonna have a bad time.

It was a bastard remark after what would have been a really humiliating and hurtful experience for the OP. It's not like I was the only one voting it into invisibility. Why support someone in being mean just because they always do it?

I understand your Sympathy for the OP, but as I said before: 98% of perdix's comments, no matter how blatantly rude and/or offensive they may seem, are not meant to be taken seriously. It's almost always sarcasm or a joke. In fact, the only couple times I've seen him serious is when: 1.) He got into an argument with someone about men driving a Prius (which he owns), this one was months ago, and 2.) When some asshat named Stephan got into a similar argument about perdix's MO, but was too stubborn and idiotic to take the advice being given to him. He's been doing this since the beginning of FML and nobody seems to have had a problem with it since, except maybe the people that can't take a joke. So, in conclusion, even if you disagree, either thumb it down and move on or don't acknowledge it, because it's not going to change any time soon.

challan 19

I'm so sorry OP. Rude friends and a bouncer on an ego trip.

catsie_fml 14

Definitely ditch the friends, how immature of them...

ShinedownLuv 14

Bad bouncer, worse friends, Sorry OP!

That sucks OP some friends you got there show how much more fun you can have without them!

Slaught000 9

Man I feel for OP. That was a trashy thing to do to someone.

perdix 29

I don't see why everyone's ganging up on the bouncer. He's given instructions to allow only hot-looking people in -- that's how you keep a club "fancy." Needless to say, I've never been to a "fancy" club.

MzZombicidal 36

I think someone should make a club that is for the "unattractive" people that those fancy clubs deny! It's better than playing WoW or going on a dating site!

perdix 29

#38, that's good in theory, but ugly people still think they have a shot with hot people of the opposite sex. The only way it can work is if it opens at 1:30 AM and sells 4-for-1 stiff drinks. It would have an Old West theme because it caters to . . . *lowers sunglasses* settlers.

MzZombicidal 36

#40, I honestly laughed so hard that reply. So witty!

Trouble is, being 'hot' is a matter of opinion. They also let in any guy ever so the ladies don't even get a pick of the 'hot' guys. I hate to be 'that' person, but it's one of those places where sexism is accepted and even expected with no negative consequences.

perdix 29

#118, actually the girls get in based on their looks and the guys by their wealth. The men get filtered out by the exorbitant drink prices and cover charges. It's really a degrading and debasing ritual and that's why I don't participate . . . and not because I'm cheap ;)