By hatemylife - 19/07/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, a group of girl-scouts came to my door selling chocolate bars. I bought 2 bars and smiled as they left, thinking I'd done a good deed. When the door closed, I heard one of the girls say, "Told you, the fat bitches always wanna buy from us." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 041
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

Well, at least they have a marketing strategy. Good for them.

Re-open the door and show them what happens when a fat bitch is insulted.


beautiful1998 0
neonsugarXx 0

wow, what a little brat. :/

LostNewYorker 0

omg tell their troop leader!

What kind of triflin-ass girl scouts sell candy bars?!?! They can't get cookies!?

cbro4show 0

lol that's hilarious. they know how to make money. u got OUT PLAYED!!!

I should hit up ur house, I want some cookies

EddieGrimaldo 0

lmao wow! ydi for being a land whale. change your life, live a healthy lifestyle.

I'm pretty sure those girls were scamming you. Girl Scouts don't sell candy bars. Ever. My older sister actually had tricked people into ordering non-existent candy bars saying she was a girl scout when she was five.