By hatemylife - 19/07/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, a group of girl-scouts came to my door selling chocolate bars. I bought 2 bars and smiled as they left, thinking I'd done a good deed. When the door closed, I heard one of the girls say, "Told you, the fat bitches always wanna buy from us." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 041
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

Well, at least they have a marketing strategy. Good for them.

Re-open the door and show them what happens when a fat bitch is insulted.


Tell them to come back because you want more and then sit on them! ^^

pinkerbell 8

I'm gonna call your bluff on this one. Girl scouts do not sell chocolate bars. They do cookies in the winter and fall product, which is basically nuts and raisin things. There are no girl scouts who will come to your door in the summer with candy bars.

armedandangerous 3

If there is a next time and they pass by, buy some more chocolate bars and tell them: oh yeah us fat bitches love candy.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Those girls scare me... If I don't buy, I'm evil. if I do buy, they rip me off, plus I'm a pig. AUGH!

orgasm_blush 4

Hahahaha! Im sorry but that is funny. Sounds a lot like the kids from where i live.

MerrikBarbarian 9

find out who their group leader is and I form them of their rude ways. I was never a scout but I believe they earn prizes and merits for GOOD behavior. least get the brats stripped of anything they gained selling those bars.

Gruv3r14 1

I would've beat the shit out of their parents.