By hatemylife - 19/07/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, a group of girl-scouts came to my door selling chocolate bars. I bought 2 bars and smiled as they left, thinking I'd done a good deed. When the door closed, I heard one of the girls say, "Told you, the fat bitches always wanna buy from us." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 041
You deserved it 6 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

Well, at least they have a marketing strategy. Good for them.

Re-open the door and show them what happens when a fat bitch is insulted.


kianana 0

Ignore them and eat your choclate in peace..haha

don't buy 4rom them anymore! that's wat I would do.

Oh no they didn't. I would of grab my belt and whoop em 5 times before they even reached the side walk.

EddieGrimaldo 0

those were the good old days when you would catch an ass whooping if you were disrespectful. Now you can't hurt a fly without catching a lawsuit. Society is so screwed up these days.

iMagzzzy 0

Haha I love fat people, they are so jolly.

I would have called their scoutmaster and put them in for the "shit rolls downhill" merit badge.

turtle_brigade 0

ten bucks says you can google their troop leader. call her up and tell her what snot-nosed brats they were.

Usually, most girl scouts that are older, are bitches.

bluebob13 10

I am an older girl scout and all of the older girl scouts I know in my area are not like that at all. Some of the seventh grade girls scout I have seen/know tend to be at bit more rude though.