By purrtygirl - 09/06/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, a guy from my school came into my work. I know him but I'd forgotten his name. I didn't want to be rude and ask for his name when he probably expected me to know it, so, thinking I was clever, I said, "How do you spell your name again?" His name is Rob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 130
You deserved it 55 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always play the "how old are you?". "I dont believe you", "prove it, show me your license". Flattery makes people blind :)

Meh - I know a Robb or two. You could have made a semi graceful recovery - "Thought so, but my (fake) cousin has an extra 'b' in his".


FMLGirl1991 0

aha i did that once but only cause i new the chick had a really unusual name so i knew it wouldn't be so obvious. yours was just a bad move. I like #1s suggestions though

beaniebabe 0

You should have had him fill out a form for a "contest for a free car" and he will write his name on it

I had to do something like this for a skit in my spanish class. "What's your name?" "TJ" "How do you spell that?" I just think it's funny that it actually happened in real life xD

------FAKE------ This is a Ricky Gervais anecdote. He tells it in an interview, even the name Rob is the same.

Shoulda just asked! I do it all the time, nobody gets offended. Just say, "Oh my goodness, my mind always escapes me, I seem to have forgotten your name." See? It even sounds almost charming ^^

I feel your pain...I did the same thing when I moved into my apartment in January. After a couple of weeks I finally got my room mate's phone # and I asked how she spelled her name and she said, "Umm...A-L-E-X." I felt terrible.

Rob is not a name. It is a nickname. It could have been Robert, roberto, or a weird nick for some unrelated name.