By loveade11 - 12/01/2010 19:28 - France

Today, a police officer caught my girlfriend and me having sex. The officer was my dad, and we were butt naked in his new Ford Expedition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 716
You deserved it 35 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aeslehc_ 0

YDI, you could have had sex somewhere else.

ROFLsyrup 0

YDI for doing it in your dad's SUV. I'd never even THINK of doing something like that.


perdix 29

How could you do that to your dad? Do you think SUV stands for "Semen Up the ******?"

wow #39 ur so bad ass for catching his grammar mistake!!

I'd say both: FYL and YDI. FYL cause it's completely embarrasing but YDI for doing it in your dad's car.

@39-punk ass bitch my asss. it's my girl friend and me. think before you speak.

haha yall shouldve planned that better lol

its actually "my girlfriend and I" whenever your refering to yourself and another person you mention them first, and use 'I" to mention yourself. #47, know your grammer rules before you try to look smart.

Sucks you got caught by your own dad but lucky you it wasn't some random cop or even worst, her dad. fyl but mostly hers. I know sometimes it's the only place to get any.

wow that sucks expessially because all cops are dushe bags

tbaaaby 0

he shoulda just given you a condom and a thumbs up