By loveade11 - 12/01/2010 19:28 - France

Today, a police officer caught my girlfriend and me having sex. The officer was my dad, and we were butt naked in his new Ford Expedition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 716
You deserved it 35 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aeslehc_ 0

YDI, you could have had sex somewhere else.

ROFLsyrup 0

YDI for doing it in your dad's SUV. I'd never even THINK of doing something like that.


mr_miyagi 0

so borrow his handcuffs for some extra fun

SumKid_fml 0

That must suck... I wouldnt be able to look at my dad for days... Imagine a smaller sibling the next day on the way 2 school, "Daddy, whats this gooey white stuff on the seat?"

littlesnareboy 0

allright that's cool shoot my parents would have killed me and I'm only 16

#49, refer to #41 for the rule that you are failing to remember. mybe you should learn the rules before trying to look smart

sparxva 12

YDI and it is "buck naked" not "but naked" whether or not your bottom was actually covered. Thanks for the laugh at your expense.

hello son. I didn't know you had and fml account. I'm ******* your mum right now also in my new ford expedition! wish you cleaned up your mess though....

honey leave our son alone. we can't talk when we made a video in that car just a few nights ago. check it out kiddies search, po po orgy

Sourpatch10 0

I wish I could **** in the back of my parents car;)