By Anonymous - 10/04/2011 06:05 - United States

Today, a stoned man tried to break into my house. Naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 294
You deserved it 4 524

Same thing different taste


Wolveslikepie 4

that guy is not a stoner, stoners can control themselves while smoking cannabis the person that u saw is an ignorant pot head asshole that makes all stoners look bad those kind of people are the reason why marijuana is illegal

dubstep87 0

all of a sudden he was high! haha. it is pretty dumb and amusing to read all the "marijuana does this and that" haha obviously none of you guys know anything. weed doesn't get like you like you guys describe. there's only 3 side affects an here they are 1. sleepy 2.hungry 3. mellow/quiet/chill (either of those) that's it! other than that they're lying or pretending. EDUCATE yourself

kil15nake 0

i would have told him that sonic the hedge hog wad waiting outside for him. then I woul have locked the door once he went to find him :)

Cuntluv 0

ahahahahahaha did he go straight to the fridge?

stroudie94 9

did he rock your world ;) ?

callofdutymw2519 0

i think he wants a ********

Jester7 0

you are using improper weedology...those who are stoned, simply put, are like stones...they don't do anything but sit and be high. I think the term you are looking for is tripped out. that would make more sense than stoned.