By dundundadumb - 06/08/2009 21:25 - United States

Today, a very good friend of mine said he had a question to ask me. Jokingly, I threw my arms around his neck and said, "Oh yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" When I sat back down, I saw tears in his eyes, and he said, "You've made me the happiest man alive" as he pulled a small box out of his coat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 012
You deserved it 107 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments'd you fix that up after the fact? damn I feel awkward where i'm sitting now I can only imagine how you felt


Oh, ****, you dumbass. Do girls really think that non-gay guys want to be "platonic" friends?

Some straight guys do. I have a few female friends who I have no romantic interest in, and I am very much heterosexual.

curryndricegirll 0

wtf is up with all the anti-straight comments? get a f***ing life!

ashole1990 10

HDI for proposing to someone he's not dating

ericalew_xo 0

Yeah, its best not to joke like that.....Just tell him you didnt mean it.

YDI, why don't you wait untill you hear the whole question first???

frannytrois64 0

Go get hitched!!! Like NOW! I hope u didn't turn him down, or I'd be pissed at you. YDI for joking around when you didn't let him finish the damn question XD Did he buy you a fat hunk of diamond, or a cheap rock >.> Haha jk, either way, hope you're happy!!

zootsuit 0

OMG. Girl, please marry him. It's so rare to find a guy that appreciates you like that - and is genuine! Plus, you'll never have to lie to him about who you are, since you knew each other first as friends. It sounds like he really loves you, and you would be doing a harm to yourself and him by turning him down. You know they always say "marry your best friend"...DO IT! I really hope you didn't turn him down! suggest she married someone she has no romantic or sexual feelings for? That's taking the saying to marry your best friend a little too literally, methinks.

"any kind of sexual passion burns out eventually?" From your previous comment about how it's all romantic that he feels that way, you sound very negative about relationships. Sexual passion may not be #1 on the list for most people but it's probably #2 or #3. I don't think anyone goes into a relationship thinking, "hmm. I'd really like to not be intimate, or fulfill any of my sexual desires with my lifelong partner, since it burns out anyway. Less of a disappointment that way". I may be marrying my best friend, but we a) dated first, b) live together and c) don't lack sexual passion and have been together for more than 6 months, so it's not one of those brand new things. As well, he knows the "real me" and we have a genuine connection. Who says you can't have it all? I don't think she should settle because he's there. Hardly seems fair on either of them. OP: Sorry to hear about that. Hope you guys stay friends!

Just FYI, 6 months is still kind of new. :/

I really want to hear follow up to this...


If you were a friend to begin with then obviously the sexual sparks and the excitements of marriage won't be there. For that reason, in my humble opinion i think it's best you keep him as a friend. If he's a good friend then he'll understand your intentions.