By Anonymous - 19/11/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, after a long day of cleaning, I decided to make a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Reaching for what I thought was Pam I coated my bread with spray and put my sandwich in the pan. Pledge makes a great looking sandwich, but the lemony flavor tastes like crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 643
You deserved it 30 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using PAM normally to make grilled cheese. Try some BUTTER, or a butter spread~not aerosolized oil.


wtf why are people harassing him for using pam?

He was probably using PAM to make sure that his sandwich didnt stick to the pan/toasted sandwich maker. guys. Why would anyone think its odd to use the product correctly??

Because he DIDN'T use it correctly. He sprayed his sandwich with it! And it wasn't even Pam. You should have to pass a reading test to be able to shop anymore. :p

Never keep cleaning products and food items in the same closet. You're lucky you didn't accidentally pick up bug spray. Or something highly flammable.

Not the case. He had just finished cleaning.

Is a "looking sandwich" like a looking glass? Can you see your future in it? Learn to hyphenate! :-P

Niiiiice, BeeSkwaird. But hyphenation is beyond this kind of moron. "nice looking sandwich..." Like a trip down the Pledge rabbit hole. :D

ninjobliveus13 0

You people will pick apart anything won't you? I'm sitting here worried that kid's sick. HE ATE PLEDGE! Kinda funny though, FYL cause cleaning products taste like crap (I think).

Jiggles11 0

YDI for having spray-on cheese. COME ON!!!!

HahaNOTFunnyx_x 0
JustaAngel 6

First...FYI u should have used butter,hahaha ;-p Secondly...what the hell is pledge doing that close to your stove and ur not paying attention just screams a fail

YDI for keeping cleaning products with food products. Those two should never mix, they should be kept far FAR away from each other for two reasons: 1) You might accidentally grab the wrong item and cook with it 2) If a cleaning product leaks, it'll get all over your food products. Then everything will be ruined or contaminated if not tightly sealed in plastic. Nice going. Now go rearrange your cabinets. Preferably BEFORE you mistake the ant poison for salt and pepper packets.

_theman_ 0

id say preferably AFTER he mistakes ant poison for his salt and pepper packets. at least he didnt mistake it for that bright pink can of hairspray he keeps with his pam and pledge. YDI, never ever have i heard of using PAM for grilled cheese. you would have to be a retard to do such a thing, its called be smart and use butter. Margarine or whatever it is, is only one element away from plastic, its terrible for you

aaaaa12345_fml 0

also, water is only 1 atom away from hydrogen peroxide, which will kill you if you drink it. so i guess we shouldn't use water, it must be terrible for you.

oh_dee 0

A complete and total YDI here...