By FUCKKKS - 03/03/2013 17:37 - United States

Today, after a long work shift, I was so tired that I took a nap in my car to avoid driving half-asleep. When I awoke, there was a huge truck in front of me. I thought I'd fallen asleep while driving and was about to die. I only realized it was stationary after I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 937
You deserved it 6 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side, you did the right thing by pulling over for a nap and the worst-case-scenario was that you pissed yourself. least you're not dead.

Wow, that must've scared the shit out of you! Wait...


WrongRomance 11

Those few seconds after opening your eyes are usually pretty confusing. Good idea to stop instead of driving while drowsy, though.

This happened to me on an empty neighborhood street. Just waking up in the car was scary enough, I can only imagine how much worse the truck made it.

Don't get pissed at yourself. (pun intended) you did the right thing by taking a nap instead of driving home. Maybe try the backseat next time?

TheVoicesTalk 3

I can totallt agree with OP's actions

Sometimes bad things happen to those with good intentions. As someone who has fallen asleep driving, regardless of the humorous result, you did the right thing.

I seriously hope you didn't hurt anyone. I was hit head on by an asshole that fell asleep. Totaled my car, and resulted in me having months of physio.

Well, at least now you're more careful to stay awake, right? ... Riiiight?

Chel2010 10

My first accident was due to falling asleep at the wheel at 2 am. I drove into a ditch and plowed a mailbox, then drove into the other ditch because I didn't slow down fast enough. One of the scariest moments of my life. Ever since, I always make sure I have adequate sleep/energy levels before I drive at night. On the same note, I've been there OP: I've taken naps/woke up in the morning before and had no idea where the hell I was for a few moments. FYL.

This is how you know urinately a good driver.

It's like those YouTube videos where people prank their friends. One of them is sleeping on a road trip. The rest of them start screaming like their life in in danger. The guy wakes up so afraid every time. You should probably look into it.

You a racist op? Why put the emphasis on the K?

hooligyn123 18

Or the F U and S.... seriously. if it was fuKKKs Maybe then your statement would make sense.

At least you didn't poop your pants.

Good for you OP. you made a very smart choice pulling over to sleep/rest instead of driving half awake. Most drivers seem to forget they can pull over and do that.. I would rather pee myself then have it be real as well. Thank you for being a good driver. I hope you'll model your smarts to those who really need it.,