By lovehurts - 28/12/2009 20:41 - United States

Today, after breaking up with my girlfriend of two years over the phone, I got a knock on my door. It was my now ex-girlfriend who came to seek revenge by shooting me in the balls with a paintball gun at about a three-foot range. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 866
You deserved it 57 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

somepartsareme 0

Fake, you couldn't have balls, you broke up with her over the phone.

That's why you don't do it over the phone.


Sun_Kissed18 25
NJM12594 0

Next time you break up with someone wear a cup.

syrup21 0

that's because you should of done it in person not over the phone douche bag

Really? so he gets shot in the balls at a three foot range because he broke up on the phone, and that makes him a douche. Maybe breaking up by phone was cowardly , but being shot in the balls is way way worse, even more so at 3 feet

Totally your fault. I mean two years and you couldn't break up with her in person??And I don't see why you would wanna break up with an awesome girlfriend like her either! So original :D

Dawkrida 0

dude, ur the dumbest guy I've met hahahahaha over the phone don't be a pussy say it right to her face

ImShamazingHun 0

#7 u r effing shamazing!!! but u r right.. he can't possibly have balls if he broke up with her over the phone lmao xD

awww..... i'm sure this sounds mega girl right now... but u broke up with her over the phone? no wonder she fired a paintball gun at you!!! tht's so jerky!!! so u wanted to break up with her... so what... but have guts enough to do it in person!! and every guy right now is thinking tht she's the psycho... when every girl agrees with me... well... f your friends lives for having to deal with a jackass like u!!

jenjen1112 0

who breaks up with someone on the phone especially you was with her for 2 years igrow some balls breaking up with a girl thats so junior high school lol m sorry you totally deserve it