By Anonymous - 26/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, after driving a few hours late at night I decided to entertain the car tailgating me by not letting him pass. After doing this for 3miles, reaching 93MPH, I decided to let the car pass me. When I switched lanes, the car tailgating me light up in red and blue. It was a cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 177
You deserved it 97 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I slow down for tailgaters. Wouldn't change if it were a cop. It's one of those moments where you just pray a deer would jump in front of you so that you could slam on your breaks and the moron would crash right into you for following too close.


when u see the lights... that is when u start accelerating ^^

#22 - That's what I like to hear. Lol

wh0regasm 0

how did you not see that it was a cop hahahaha

19-that's easy the cop was waiting to see just how fast he could get this guy going since most states the speeding fine is based on how far above the limit you are. ergo when i got one in missouri 15 years ago it was $10 for every mile over plus court costs.

25 it couldv'e been an undercover. where i live theres loads of undercovers trying to bust people, but ive learned which cars are uc... ya cops ... pathetic. FYL dude. fyl..

Well, you still drive like an absolute prick.

Wow, the same thing happened to me. I was let off with a warning though because I told the guy I had just came from community service helping out damaged horses.

Haha, shoulda slowed down insteada speeding up. You sound like a crap driver though.

you dummy... driving is a dangerous thing... especially at night you should not "entertain" other cars. that could lead to an accident and people getting killed dont you realize that?