By hatesgravity - 02/09/2010 11:40 - United States

Today, after finally getting up the nerve to take my motorcycle to up 75mph on the freeway, I made it off in one piece, only to fall off my bike in the mall parking lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 931
You deserved it 25 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seem disappointed, would you have preferred to fall on the freeway? there there... there there.

Hey, you got your bike up to 75...for the first time, that takes guts. And you got your first drop out of the way--and not at speed. That's fortuitous! Sounds like a win to me! Just wear your gear all the time and have fun on the bike...


Notice that OP is a woman, so no, she does not have balls. SHE was probably afraid to get up to 75 on a motorcycle, like many women, including myself, are.

SaintE_fml 0

That's not gravity, it's stupidity. Pay attention to the little signs before you get a big one, like my brother did a few days ago when he was driving back from the store. Less than a mile from his house he hit some lose gravel & slid 160 ft across the pavement & all that loose gravel. He wasn't driving fast; he also wasn't wearing a helmet (more stupidity). He's lucky he only came out w/the injuries he did. He's lucky to be alive. This all happened right after he found a buyer for it...he's been trying to sell it for over a year. My friend Jon wasn't as fortunate; he'll most likely be in a wheelchair the rest of his life. My dad's best friend has permanent brain damage; he was an expert rider w/an extremely high IQ & a great charismatic personality...not so much anymore. Those are only a few of the many examples I can give you & this is coming from someone who's been riding since the age of 4 & I love riding w/my boyfriend, but it's just not worth it. Do yourself & your lived ones a favor; get rid of the deathtrap & make some $$$ off of it!

Hey, you got your bike up to 75...for the first time, that takes guts. And you got your first drop out of the way--and not at speed. That's fortuitous! Sounds like a win to me! Just wear your gear all the time and have fun on the bike...

best reply to a newbie so far. I've not dropped mine yet and really not looking forward to it. :(

OP- slow speed manuevering is always where you test your skills. Any idiot can keep a bike up at 100mph. It's designed to act as a gyro. It's a real rider that can keep it up riding a 24' circle or a figure 8 in the friction zone. Don't listen to the critics, you will get the feel of it. I highly recommend taking the Motorcycle Safety Course and getting Jerry Palladino's Ride like a Pro DVD's. Learn to ride like that and you will be the safest one on the road, no matter what speed you are going. Congratulations on joing the ranks of the fast growing world of women motorcyclists!

This happened because you are an idiot and should not be riding a motorcycle. Get rid of it before you kill yourself or someone else.

carly426 0

you should be happy you didnt fall on the freeway

wow...ur a real downer. I would rather die on my Harley, or rappelling off of a cliff then at 90 wondering what it would have been like to experience those things. Some people need adventure in their lives, some are happy with the 2.4 kids and the 401K and Netflix. Neither way of life is wrong. It is a personal choice.