By hatesgravity - 02/09/2010 11:40 - United States

Today, after finally getting up the nerve to take my motorcycle to up 75mph on the freeway, I made it off in one piece, only to fall off my bike in the mall parking lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 931
You deserved it 25 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seem disappointed, would you have preferred to fall on the freeway? there there... there there.

Hey, you got your bike up to 75...for the first time, that takes guts. And you got your first drop out of the way--and not at speed. That's fortuitous! Sounds like a win to me! Just wear your gear all the time and have fun on the bike...


Sorry dude, but for someone in Germany 75 is pretty low. You are allowed to drive up to 65 mph on the freeway legally. Driving 75 costs you 20 euros. On the highwa (Autobahn) there is no speedlimit. My Yamaha R1 goes 150 mph every day, when driving to work and back

mza832000 0

hmmm at least u still have a life to "f" u could've fell off on the freeway

75 is nothing i have gone past 175 on my bike =]

75mph!? how about you go 198 and then talk about it. 75 is nothing to brag about at all, and for all you people who say it is obviously have never been on a bike before there is nothing scary about it. And OP the fact that you fell off your bike after you were in the mall parking lot shows that you either don't know how to break or you don't now how to get off your just need to not be riding at all.

I've tached out my Gixxer 750, but that wasn't as bad as the time I tried to top out riding a fat chick.

Anyone can keep a motorcycle upright at high speed in a straight line. Slow-speed handling is the hard part. Did you take an MSF class, or did someone just show you the controls in a parking lot? If you haven't taken an MSF class, go take the Basic Rider Course, like, yesterday. It's the best thing you can do to stay alive on the street. Do it before some brain-dead cager runs you over.


OH NO you FELL OFF YOUR BIKE? You must have gotten serious injuries. I mean like you could have scraped your elbow or something.

If I'm doin 75 on my bike its because grandma ahead of me doesn't realize the gas is on the right.

don't get rid of the bike, dropping it happens to every rider at some point or another. be glad you were going slow though, I hit loose gravel with mine while going 80 and I walked away with minor injuries I spent the next month in severe pain from road rash and a torn ligament in my ankle, the bike was not so lucky but I fixed it and I still ride fanned near every day

don't get rid of the bike, dropping it happens to every rider at some point or another. be glad you were going slow though, I hit loose gravel with mine while going 80 and I walked away with minor injuries I spent the next month in severe pain from road rash and a torn ligament in my ankle, the bike was not so lucky but I fixed it and I still ride fanned near every day