By this sucks - 05/08/2013 04:00 - United States - El Paso

Today, after gaining all the weight back that I had lost after my first marriage, I realized that the only thing that fits me now is my wedding ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 114
You deserved it 9 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should use this as incentive to lose the weight you gained.


I'm a hand model, mama. A finger jockey. We think differently than the face and body boys... we're a different breed.

Evilpirate 10

Hope you are okay - you sound really down. Maybe try to think of it as a new opportunity to take a hobby like dancing and meeting someone there?

Never cheat more than twice a week or that will happen. Trust me I know.

On the diet or the marriage? This does kinda suck though. I hope OP finds happiness.