By argh - 13/03/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, after going to the doctor to have him look at a rash on my man bits, I asked him how to get rid of the redness. He shrugged and said: "Don't worry, nobody will see it other than you and me." He's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 379
You deserved it 3 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

"Hey girl, want to see my man bits?"

Shitty luck dude just wait everybody gets their time sooner or later


Giorgio272 2

yikes freaking owned. looks like he was getting into it. suck his dick as thanks.

I don't believe anyone here is beyond the word fap. しね。

I don't know if that doesn't much about you or the doctor. Which one is worse? Double FYL.

paper_tigers 0

LIES! I beat my shit with the coco butter lotion, it was good times and smelled nice while in the process...


om nom nom on ur crusty rash infested ginger 'man bits'

matt1337c 0

Ooh, I'm not having sex tonight. FML. Get over it. Sex isn't enverything.

perdix 29

Tell the doctor that it was his wife that complained about your rash! ;) And you wasted your time and money on the doctor when FML has the answer for you already: Apply Thrush ointment in the lounge room! Duh.

LoL I saw that FML yesterday! Funny stuff.