By argh - 13/03/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, after going to the doctor to have him look at a rash on my man bits, I asked him how to get rid of the redness. He shrugged and said: "Don't worry, nobody will see it other than you and me." He's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 379
You deserved it 3 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

"Hey girl, want to see my man bits?"

Shitty luck dude just wait everybody gets their time sooner or later


Shae84 0

Snicker don't be so ignorant. In the UK they call their private parts "bits". Oh, and I vomited a bit in my mouth at the thought of your rashed beef curtains.

InfernalFML 1

Haha I thought it said man **** at first!

ghostwitch1863 0

OMFG. snickerdoodles , u made me throw up! **** that thought!!

hannah201 0

@43 that's mean (sorta true and funny but mean) I bet u don't look any better

Monster_babe7 0
hannah201 0

hahahahahaha @81 u have a big mole on your face:)

OP: i think your doctor has a crush on you. maybe he's trying to tell you something. i think you've already had your 1st date , lmao

likeyummy 0

OKAY like.........for one thing i dont get #43

likeyummy 0

AND..... for another thing what does "fap" mean