By fucked up dad - 11/07/2013 19:50 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, after I got turned down for yet another job, my dad glanced up at me and casually remarked that porn is always a stable market. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 455
You deserved it 6 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

Your dad is a ******* freak. Who wants that for their daughter?

Let's just hope he didn't mention that so he could watch videos of you.


Your dad is a **** bag!! Tell him to go do ****!! Take it up the ass!

Taking "who's your daddy" to a w"hole" new level :(

aleeshttylXD 9

Well, at least your dad knows how to laugh at himself! LMAO..! FYL.

At least he didn't bring it up during dinner.

The fact that your father suggested that makes it creepy.

You forgot to mention whether you were a boy or girl. So Idk why everyone is freaking about him wanting to watch you

Look at her name "****** up dad (woman)" Maybe that tells the gender? Just a speculation, maybe.

graceinsheepwear 33

The little female symbol next to the name tells the gender.

Get I've the stigma of ****. Studies have shown that women who do **** are happier and have more self esteem than those who don't.

graceinsheepwear 33

Please back that up with a reference.