By fucked up dad - 11/07/2013 19:50 - Romania - Bucharest

By fucked up dad - 11/07/2013 19:50 - Romania - Bucharest
By Anonymous - 02/01/2016 22:31 - United States
By ;)loganberry(; - 27/12/2011 17:58 - United States
By Chimychunga - 01/08/2010 06:47 - United States
By PizzaNIF - 13/07/2016 17:58 - United States - Henderson
By Hollerz90 - 02/04/2020 23:00
By porn daddy - 21/06/2017 00:00
By fuck - 13/07/2013 17:22 - United Kingdom - Farnham
By Anonymous - 17/11/2019 01:00 - United States - Chicago
By NotSoComfortable - 17/12/2015 09:10 - Italy - Pontecchio Polesine
By oopsydaddy - 14/08/2018 06:00
Wow, that is ****** up.
Your dad is a **** bag!! Tell him to go do ****!! Take it up the ass!
Taking "who's your daddy" to a w"hole" new level :(
Well, at least your dad knows how to laugh at himself! LMAO..! FYL.
well it is a stable market
At least he didn't bring it up during dinner.
The fact that your father suggested that makes it creepy.
You forgot to mention whether you were a boy or girl. So Idk why everyone is freaking about him wanting to watch you
Look at her name "****** up dad (woman)" Maybe that tells the gender? Just a speculation, maybe.
Get I've the stigma of ****. Studies have shown that women who do **** are happier and have more self esteem than those who don't.
Your dad is a ******* freak. Who wants that for their daughter?
Let's just hope he didn't mention that so he could watch videos of you.