By anon_smh - 18/02/2016 04:37 - United States - Bozeman

Today, after interviewing for a promotion to a position that was created with me in mind, I eagerly accepted a call from my boss, expecting good news. Turns out, they found a better applicant, who they don't believe will need support from the position I currently hold, so it's being eliminated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 553
You deserved it 1 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"What can I say? They just made a better you than you." "I… how ca—" "Anyway, they'll be at your house this Tuesday to move in, so you better be out of there by then. Also, what are your spouse's and kids' names?"

You'd think they'd keep that job and see if he doesn't actually need support. Yet here they are going on a hunch and probably open that position again.


and they can do that in the US? you have no rights? no contract? thats crappy

Probably one of the more legitimate FMLs I've seen.

Unfortunately for some, most states are right to work and most companies don't have unions. So they can lay people off/fire people without much notice and all the person can do is get unemployment if they are laid off. Use it as an example how you handle failure in your next interview and say it's giving you a chance to interview with way better companies. That should help you get the job.

I'm sorry to hear that OP :( hopefully, you get a better job next time!

My company would do this! They keep saying that we are on the road for account Manager positions but they some how forgot to send us the vacancies when they came available....yet they send us every other one! FML