By obnum - 24/05/2013 12:26 - United States - New York

Today, after months of being pestered to do so, I finally read the first Harry Potter book. I hated it. Upon hearing this, my girlfriend posted the fact on Facebook, where I immediately received tons of abuse and eventual shunning by my friends, family, and coworkers. My girlfriend just laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 224
You deserved it 45 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse, could have been twilight

So you're getting shunned for having an opinion of your own? Shit, the people you know are assholes!


Next thing you're going to say is you loved Twilight.

bunnypancakes 5

Twilight and Harry Potter are basically the same; poorly-written drivel designed to appeal to the young and simple-minded, with commercial success valued over literary merit. Try reading good books instead of going along with what is popular.

SilverInGray 25

I can't... I can't comprehend that you think Harry Potter and twilight are anywhere close to the same.

KVKdragon 26

So a book series that's based around magic, heroism, destiny, loyalty to allies, dedication to friendships, love, and the righteous fight to maintain peace is comparable to a book series about an emo girl who trashes her life trying to decide between ********** and necrophilia? You obviously have very deluded views on books. I think you need help -___-

MsMourningStar 22

How can you possibly think that Twilight is anything like Harry Potter? Harry Potter was a selfless, courageous young boy who took on a burden so heavy that he had to die to save the world. He did so without complaint on top of being treated like a second class citizen his entire young life by the little family he had left and after watching so many of the people he love die cruel, horrible deaths. He was a hero. Bella Swan was a obsessive teenage girl with a sparkly poor excuse for a vampire boyfriend. He was a pussy, Jacob was a stalker and a pussy and she was just pathetic. The only thing the series had going for it in the love department was the sacrifice she was willing to make by giving up her friends and family and the chance of ever having children. But oh wait Stephanie had to go and ruin that in the last book by giving her everything she wanted and a kick ass cabin in the woods. I have read both of these series and watched the movies and can tell you they are nothing a like.

Guys it's okay!! #140 has very clearly never even attempted to read the Harry Potter series. Also I'd like to know you're definition of 'good books' is, if popular books don't qualify.

I was being sarcastic obviously. Saying that because they lack good judgment when it comes to literature and found Harry Potter unappealing, that they might actually enjoy the crap Twilight due to their poor taste. I'm not in anyway comparing the two. Sheesh ya'll!

lol Just realized that stuff was not in reply to me. Stupid phone app didn't show the first comment. Now I feel stupid :[

KVKdragon 26

Don't worry. We forgive you lol. Phone apps glitch sometimes :P

Wow what asses I love Harry Potter but accept others don't just like I wish Twitards accept I hate Twilight

The hypocrisy in this post is mind-boggling.

SwtCherryPie 26

How is it hypocratic to say that you dont care if people dont like HP but wish twilight fans would act the same way?

MzZombicidal 36

I had to read this comment over a few times to understand what you were saying and I'm still a bit lost.

knoxxx 22

Here's how I read this post: "Wow, what asses I love! Harry Potter but accept others? don't! just like I wish Twitards.. accept I hate Twilight."

"Wow! What an ass [**har-rumph**]!!! I love Harry Potter, but accept others [whom] don't [love HP]; Just like [how] I wish 'Twitards' (

#126- Damn you. Now I'll be thumbed down!! lol! This close -->||

Half my damn message got erased, but #126 beat me by this much --->|| anyway. It was a riddle. Anyway, please, can we have more than 30 seconds to edit something? I'm having technical difficulties, man!

bettyboop428 24

45-It's hypocrisy because 14 says she accepts people who don't like Harry Potter and wishes Twilight fans were the same way, all while she is not accepting those Twilight fans herself by calling them names. I don't see why 31 got buried at all.

The reason they are called that is because while they are allowed to like a book series I see as dribble and food poisoning for the mind. they won't accept that I don't like it. so before you say I am a hypocrite I suggest you get your brain checked.


At least I can spell and I don't use chat speak making me look a little more intelligent than you do.

AurumPotestasEst 16

"Twitard" is a combination of "Twilight" and "retard." It's an attempt to insult people that like Twilight by saying that they are stupid but the word "retard" does not mean stupid. When you use it as such it denigrates a whole population of people of people in the same way as the "N-word" was intended to denigrate people that have a darker skin pigmentation. People with cognitive disabilities, a.k.a. the disabilities that are classified as "retardation," are not, necessarily, stupid. The same percentage of stupid people spans the population of people with cognitive disabilities as spans the "average" people. Please don't use that word... there are so many better words to use.

Yes because when I use chat speak you should definitely take me 100% seriously and assume that I can't spell LOL @ people falling back to the "your grammar sucks" tactic when they have no other valid points to make get out you twit

oNisao 21

You probably want to keep your opinions to yourself on the internet when It comes to star wars and harry potter (unless it's positive) except for twilight.

SwtCherryPie 26

Just because someone doesn't share a popular opinion doesn't mean they shouldn't share how they feel about it. It's his opinion; it doesn't make him right or wrong.

oNisao 21

Agree. But this is Internet. If I say I don't like Harry potter etc,I will get buried by their fans.

SilverInGray 25

Everyone always freaks when I say I haven't ever seen Star Wars.

I don't really care for Star Wars either...

Wow. I am an avid fan of Harry Potter; but even I find this to be insane. No one deserves to be shunned and abused just for not liking a particular book series. Granted, the first two books are... well, I didn't enjoy them much; but I had the advantage of getting into them when the 5th was released, so I ended up falling in love during the 3rd and never turned back. You might have a similar reaction. No worries though; to each their own.

Harry Potter is all hype; it doesn't deserve half the attention it gets. OP there are much better books in the world!

perdix 29

Ah, Harry Potter! That is so 20th Century! You need to find people that have the discriminating taste to appreciate the superior literature of the 21st Century -- like, "Fifty Shades of Grey." :D

As long as it is not Twilight, you're worthy of human life.

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bunnypancakes 5

Possibly the most overrated thing in the entirety of existence.

SeepingSarcasm 7

Damn, bunnypancakes, did someone with a lightning scar and a pointy hat rape you when you were younger? You really hate HP with intense passion!

*laughs maniacally as Dark Mark shines over bunnypancake's house*

well.... me being a big harry potter fan i would yell too but truth be told i could hardly make it through the first one so i cant say anything. they get better as you go on

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SwtCherryPie 26

Clearly you are referring to yourself as someone without taste. That or you're still a teenager, in which case your opinion doesnt count anyway.