By obnum - 24/05/2013 12:26 - United States - New York

Today, after months of being pestered to do so, I finally read the first Harry Potter book. I hated it. Upon hearing this, my girlfriend posted the fact on Facebook, where I immediately received tons of abuse and eventual shunning by my friends, family, and coworkers. My girlfriend just laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 229
You deserved it 45 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse, could have been twilight

So you're getting shunned for having an opinion of your own? Shit, the people you know are assholes!


Why is this getting more YDI votes than FYL votes? Just because he doesn't like a novel that most people like doesn't mean he's some demonspawn deserving of abuse and berating.

Looks like you're wanting some more abuse by posting this on FML. The HP freaks on this site won't side with you. :P

YDI votes? Well, I was fairly neutral towards Harry Potter and it's fandom, but I think now I can change that opinion to 'severely dislike'. Clearly, HP fans are assholes.

titibug823 11

I'm an HP fan and I would not say OP deserves it. At first I would be like "HOW?! WHY?!" But I he does not deserve to be shunned by his friends and family because he doesnt like it. That's simply ridiculous. Every person has different likes and dislikes and people should respect that!

As a former Potterhead who enjoyed the books immensely, I have to say that the legions of stuck-up douchebags who call themselves fans are what drove me away from the fandom. Not saying all Potter fans are douchebags--I just know of many who are.

titibug823 11

I'm a big Harry Potter fan. I would not say YDI. To each their own! Just because you don't like something does not give any reason for your friends and family to shun you.

perdix 29

Looks like you are going to be trapped in your own private Azkaban. Wait, that's Book 3, so you don't know what the **** I'm talking about. Oops. I once asked a girl to read "A Confederacy of Dunces" for me. She read about the first chapter and never spoke to me again.

SwtCherryPie 26

All the YDI's are probably HP fanboys mad that you dont share their opinion. Good for you for having your own opinion especially when others dont like it.

Nope. I voted YDI for allowing himself to be pressured into finishing that book. I read the first couple of pages on Amazon and thought it might've been a good read...when I was 10. Who has time to read bad (in this case bad=age inappropriate) books? And more importantly, who has time to care about getting flamed on Facebook? Though I guess it is a FYL since OP clearly only has loser "friends."

XxXCrissyXxX 12

Everyone has their own taste, and opinion on everything, so don't let them get to you. I think your friends need to grow up a bit though, and realize liking it doesn't make them any better than you.

You dou understand it's just book, right? Oh, sorry, I mean FACEbook. It's not like somebody tried to make you less full of crap by beating some out of you. It's JUST GORRAM FACEBOOK! Grow a pair, dude!

angelofmusic113 9

The only good Harry Potter book is the last one, so I feel bad for you OP. People need to lighten up. They're just books.