By obnum - 24/05/2013 12:26 - United States - New York

Today, after months of being pestered to do so, I finally read the first Harry Potter book. I hated it. Upon hearing this, my girlfriend posted the fact on Facebook, where I immediately received tons of abuse and eventual shunning by my friends, family, and coworkers. My girlfriend just laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 229
You deserved it 45 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse, could have been twilight

So you're getting shunned for having an opinion of your own? Shit, the people you know are assholes!


FYL. People just don't let people have their own opinions.

It's all good OP! I have not read any of the Harry Potter books either.

knoxxx 22

I can't really decide if this is a YDI or not without knowing what type of books OP actually does like.

How in the world could you not like Harry Potter

People got mad at me when I said I didn't like the Lord of the Rings movies or books because of the lack of character development. Sorry you had to deal with something similar.

Holy crap! I totally agree! My boyfriend and I have this debate all the time!

I think Tolkien helped to make Fantasy a serious genre, so he definitely had an important place in literature. I just don't find any of the books he wrote to be of any interest. The only book I found enjoyable was the Hobbit, because even though it still lacked character development, at least it had a lot of fun moments to make up for it.

You've come to the wrooooong place for sympathy, Bub.

I read the first Harry Potter book. Bored me to death even as an 11 year old and I LOVE to read. Just not my taste. The movies were bad in my opinion too. I hate snobs who think their taste in music/film/literature is superior and anyone who disagrees should get the 3rd degree. Take that elitism somewhere else. Don't worry OP. those people have no lives whatsoever.

Eh. Some people are just really really crazy about Harry Potter. It's not your fault and they shouldn't have verbally abused you just because you didn't like something but for future reference, maybe you should keep these kinds of facts to yourself? Like I said, some people take their fandom wayy too seriously. You should have seen how this one chick screamed at me when I said I wasn't a big fan of Doctor Who.