By youngboob - 21/10/2014 15:42 - United States - Topeka

Today, after my dad trying every bait, hormone, and poison, the cockroaches in this apartment have gone crazy. They are trying to kill themselves. One tried to commit suicide, by suffocation, in my mouth this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 209
You deserved it 3 689

Same thing different taste



use diatomaceous earth. 10 dollars well spent and natural.

Dro23 10

There's a good powder for that I have around the corners of my house, there's no roaches. That powder is to kill ants but it works good for roaches.

its time for terminator 5.. the last stand against cockroaches

If I were you I'd use as much Listerine and Colgate money can buy

I couldn't hit "your life sucks" enough times.

SexyMexi21 23

dude... I think I magically almost ******* coughed up an invisible roach. eww..

Pollito1718 18

Does no one remember Joe's apartment?