By alphafoxy21 - 05/05/2011 06:54 - United States

Today, after spending 8 months and $11,000 on school, I was denied a job in my chosen career field. They told me they decided to go with someone with more experience. So who got the job? One of my classmates. This is her first job. EVER. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's because she was willing to do some under the table business.

maybe she knows more than you... or fyl


you can't expect to just walking your first job interview and be hired just like that. stop crying and keep applying

try being half of the graduating law students who have spent 3 years and 150k, who are now overqualified for most jobs, but can't find legal work. most of whom have applied to 200+ jobs. so when you hit that mile mark, maybe then you can complain.

They could have wanted someone they could train to do things their way. I have seen it done. It is much easier to start with someone new to working in the field, then to try to remold from badly taught habits learned else where.

mbrooks5110 0

perhaps she interviewed better than you & or maybe she lied...

I used to really hate the whole job seeking process. One time I interviewed for a job I was perfect for. About 5 seconds into the interview (which was with several men) it was clear to me that they hated me on sight. I wasn't even out of the room when they started picking me apart for my 'scrawny ****,' 'doggy face' and 'hair the color of a mouse's ass' since of course the size of my breasts, what my face looked like and the color of my hair were huge factors in my ability to sit in a room by myself editing copy. They laughed and said I'd never get anywhere looking like that. I am now a senior writer for what had been their primary competitor. We knocked them out years ago and when everyone from that company came begging to us for jobs, I made a point of ensuring that none of those rude, superficial men got so much as a foot in the door. What goes around, comes around.

I know the feeling. trust me it sucks!

moral of the story, she gas a ******!

everyone commenting here is a sexist moron. she probably got the job because she interviewed better.