By alphafoxy21 - 05/05/2011 06:54 - United States

Today, after spending 8 months and $11,000 on school, I was denied a job in my chosen career field. They told me they decided to go with someone with more experience. So who got the job? One of my classmates. This is her first job. EVER. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 922
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's because she was willing to do some under the table business.

maybe she knows more than you... or fyl


Di55le 9

I mean I'm pretty sure if u wore wat she wore an provided the favor that she did u might of gotten the job first. might of lost your man hood n the process but at least u would if been employed lol

CAREER ACADEMY! I went there, that school is such bullshit.

Phranq 0

Sounds like you either have poor experience in work overall, or this classmate here is just ****** awesome.

Maybe they liked her extracurriculars and her hone experience better.. I know in programming and IT work I officially only have 4-5 years experience but I have been repairing computers and programming for far longer.. Employers will ask about that kind of stuff. Or maybe she had a better personality.

Baybe she's better looking than you and dresses sexier.

maybe her vast "experience" was for ******* her way to the top...

mhinaj 0

I spent 4 years and $120k and I got denied a job that had been offered to me because the company decided they didn't have the budget after all. The job market sucks. Deal with it.


She probably had connections... thats life sorry :P