By evenmybodyhatesme - 15/05/2016 06:47 - United States - San Jose

Today, after spending a day in the ER and a day in hospital, I was recovering from emergency surgery. My boyfriend left to eat and didn't come back. He texted me 4 hours later that he was drinking with his friends and that he loved his "brown eyed girl". My eyes aren't brown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 492
You deserved it 1 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if he weren't apparently cheating, that's rather inconsiderate of him to be out partying when you're recovering from being in the ER

Maybe they were listening to that Van Morrison song while drinking...


Well since you don't have brown eyes he's obviously referring to himself. I don't know what color his eyes used to be but obviously he's so full of crap now they're brown.

josiemorehouse 12

When I had both of my kids, I was in the hospital for 3 days each. My now ex-husband, the father, spent a total of 2 hours at the hospital for each birth. He then spent the rest of my hospital stay with his friends getting drunk. With my 2nd child, he showed up to bring me home from the hospital. Then he dropped me off at home, with a 4 year old and a newborn, just after my c-section, and was gone 2 days, off drinking and getting high with friends. Yeah, I kicked his ass out and called my lawyer. If he'd rather hang out with his friends than be at your hospital bedside, dump him. And just because he doesn't know your eye color doesn't necessarily mean he's cheating, possibly he's just unobservant and drunk. Yet another reason to get rid of his ass. Get well soon, OP. And find a better guy! You deserve better!

breeznby 5

Drop him like a hot potato

I don't think he's referring to your eyes, op.

I assume he was just listening to the song... But that's really ******* wrong. Wtf is wrong with him?

song reference lol or he's to drunk to remember

maybe he wasnt referring to your eye color

Yeah no. Unless he's unlike any person I've ever met, he's not going to comment on the colour of your eyes when texting you that he's out drinking.