By evenmybodyhatesme - 15/05/2016 06:47 - United States - San Jose

Today, after spending a day in the ER and a day in hospital, I was recovering from emergency surgery. My boyfriend left to eat and didn't come back. He texted me 4 hours later that he was drinking with his friends and that he loved his "brown eyed girl". My eyes aren't brown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 486
You deserved it 1 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if he weren't apparently cheating, that's rather inconsiderate of him to be out partying when you're recovering from being in the ER

Maybe they were listening to that Van Morrison song while drinking...


SailorSolaris 43

Perhaps it's a reference to the old song?

You honestly can't expect us to remember shit like eye colour

Lol. Are you aware that referring to the "brown eyed girl" is just a different way of referring to heroin?