By gaga - 22/05/2012 07:34 - United States - San Jose

Today, after spending about 5 grand on my home studio over the past year, I realized I have no musical talent whatsoever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 979
You deserved it 39 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why u should've given it a long thought before u actually spend 5k on... Anything, really...

emac123 3

Learn the equipment and make money recording other people


Well Lady Gaga, maybe instead you should have spent 10k on lessons first.

thiscrazything 1

Now you can turn it into a home theater, and enjoy other people's talent.

cornielious 1

Hey! Use all the money you spent as motivation to learn! Dont give up and let it go to wast.

andrewmemoirs 2

that's what you get for being a moron. do us musicians a favor and give it to someone who actually knows how to use it.

Why? Why would you invest a load of money into something like that if you didn't have a large talent or passion? Even really gifted musicians don't all have home studios and they still enjoy their art. What a useless expenditure. You could've used that money for lessons and rented studio time if you really felt a need to make an album.

Can i come over and use it to record :D?

cleio81 5

I wonder what kind of things you have in your studio? You can always let other people use it and make lots of profit so after some time (maybe a lot) you can earn it back. That, and the memories about the crazy nights with the hookers and the cocaine and champagne and ...