By anonymous - 27/11/2011 00:12 - United States

Today, after spending hours putting up our tree and decorating it, it fell over and shattered the glass ornaments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 570
You deserved it 4 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mspoutylips 8

When things like this happen to me, I jus sit on the floor & put on a sad face. :(

Spouse: Honey, what's this? OP: That's the stand.


YDI for puttin your tree up this early

Yes, for attempting to get into the spirit of a holiday OP likes, he deserves a tree to fall and ruin his ornaments. Some families have a tradition of putting the tree up after thanksgiving. Stop being an insensitive douche who thinks his way of life is the only one.

58- cool your jets. it was just a simple statement, don't need to get all worked up. I personally agree with him, you gonna make a long comment about what I think now?

CalvesMan 0

Huh its not even December yet

you don't put the tree the tree up until the 12 days of Christmas... and they only start a day or so before Christmas... >.>

diidiimi 10

I'm pretty sure the twelve days of Christmas are actually afterwards? You're nit supposed to take the tree down until the twelfth one.

it could be, I can't remember off the top of my head.

Kenton1008 21

that's what you get for trying to set up a Christmas tree in november.

meirasanya 10

This is why I'm glad we have another festivity before christmas here in the netherlands (sinterklaas). Means all the christmas crap can't start too soon, and the "christmas tree fallen over/set on fire/destroyed by cat" will be held off for a bit too. Disclaimer: writer of this post has nothing against christmas, just against the way it's been commercialised. Any spelling/grammar mistakes in this post are unintentional and need not be corrected.

Miraiga 8

Isn't that a bit too early to decorate a Christmas tree? It isn't even December... Oh well the whole fuss seems to start earlier and earlier every year...