By anonymous - 27/11/2011 00:12 - United States

Today, after spending hours putting up our tree and decorating it, it fell over and shattered the glass ornaments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 570
You deserved it 4 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mspoutylips 8

When things like this happen to me, I jus sit on the floor & put on a sad face. :(

Spouse: Honey, what's this? OP: That's the stand.


tomkenney22 0

At least it didn't catch on fire

That's what you get for putting a christmas tree up right after thanksgiving

SlickWillyTFCF 5

YDI because you're putting up Christmas decorations before December, fuckass!

Hillary242b 1

aww man. This happened to me at my dads house. After dinner on thanksgiving we decorated our tree, not two hours later we watch as it smashes to the floor breaking almost every single glass bulb.

Why are you putting your tree up so early? It's November.

oh no! that's going to be a funny party story later on!

Good. Wtf you setting up a tree this early for?

acreon390 0

Try putting them all around the tree next time instead of just one side.