By disappointed - 07/06/2011 17:05 - United States

Today, after spending thousands of dollars and several years pursuing a higher education so I could get a high paying job doing something that requires skill and brainpower, I finally got my first job offer after months of searching. I will be cleaning houses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 655
You deserved it 5 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

braasilianx0 4

better than no job, your situation could be worse.

Olovio 5

You need more lemon pledge?


just because u spend all that money and times doesn't mean u get your high paying job! you should have know that!

DeadxManxWalking 27

It does include brain power and skills. Brain power: determining pay by hour Skill: To be able to actually clean spotless

well I need my house clean? can you fake a Spanish accent?

pretty_in_pink94 6

I hope you know that mist people start like that. Plus, like previous posts, you should consider yourself lucky you even have job.

Roflwtflmao 0

I know how u feel. I'm in the same boat . Just keep at it and eventually you will find that job you wanted.

Same here. But I just got my break. And so will you!

sxe_beast 11

Could I suggest moving from Idaho? Sorry if that sounds ignorant, but when I think of Idaho... I think of potatoes, not jobs requiring well educated people.

paradiseisland01 0

Omg that's the worst news I heard in days , so sorry , the bright side of things is at least you get paid and you do have a job .

Human_Delilah 0

Cleaning Houses? You Think Its That Bad? WOW what a Loserr..

Too bad, she made some valid points. It's not rocket science to read the english comment. Quit being a stuck up bitch and open your mind to reading, it's proven to make you smarter.