By Anonymous - 23/02/2013 08:07 - Australia - Boronia

Today, after supporting my girlfriend for over a year in her endeavour to lose weight, exercise more, and eat better, my now-slender girlfriend dumped me, because she's found someone "better" than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 473
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously she deserves to be alone. Hope she fails to find someone now.

She's still a fat bitch on the inside, don't worry.


shawnaishere 14

You may be able to get the weight off but you will never be able to get rid of the bitch inside.

Well OP before you leave get her addicted to fast food and sweets.

hamncheeseinit 6

Now all you gotta do is get absolutely ripped and when she tries to come back to you tell her no I can do better

perdix 29

Don't worry. She'll pack all the weight back on soon and her new hot boyfriend will dump her, then she'll come back to you. This time, learn what "fat and faithful" means and give her sweets every day.

Actually, I think Perdix meant is that she isn't looking for someone with a nice personality. She's looking for someone with looks, who will probably also stay with her for looks. If she gets fat again, she won't be appealing to the hot guy and hot guy will dump her. Fat people can find love! Based on their good personality and charm, something that OP's ex seems to lack.

CountryBum 6

Karma is a real bitch. She will get what's coming to her. And keep your head up, you'll find someone better too.

10showgirl 16

If karma gets her, it will get her in the next life. Not this one...

At least she will always have the loose skin and stretch marks to make her as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside ;)

I almost wish this was true, but some people really do have amazing skin and have little to no loose skin or stretch marks.

True I was trying to be optimistic on her failings

Lol I have a feelin I offended a few people with these issues if so sorry guys I'm talking about this specific bitchy vain **** not anyone else who suffers any of these issues

laya_fml 26

I think now would be the time you secretly try to fatten her up.

Ultimate_No 7

If she thinks all she needs to have a good boyfriend is her looks, then she'll only find someone that wants to be with her for her looks. You'll find someone more worth your time.

Wow, if shes going to be that way, then you can do much better than her. Get ripped and show her what she missed.